Centralised Repository
Catalogue and maintain your database of contracts, codes of practice and “other” requirements.
Catalogue and maintain your database of contracts, codes of practice and “other” requirements.
Schedule and conduct audits of compliance, using simple workflow forms.
Assign a configurable risk profile to all audited requirements.
Raise follow-up actions direct from within the audit.
Monitor and manage audit activity and compliance status from the dashboard.
Comprehensive automated reports on risk profile and compliance status.
Developed by compliance experts, Activ Agreements Manager module provides a simple, systematic way to catalogue, manage and assess compliance with contracts and other obligations that your organisation is committed to complying with.
Agreements Manager will minimise organisational exposure by actively managing contract risk and compliance with other obligations. You can use Agreements Manager to:
– Catalogue and maintain your database of contracts, codes of practice and “other” requirements. Remove the need to keep lengthy spreadsheets, say goodbye to version controlling in Excel, stay in control and be aware of your obligations
– Schedule and conduct audits of compliance, using simple workflow forms. Eliminate the need for manually tracking compliance. Automate your audit schedule and never miss a review date again
– Monitor risk and corrective actions associated with your obligations, and easily report on performance vs commitment. Reduce exposure to financial penalties and reputational damage
Gain control of your contractual and other legal obligations with Activ Agreements Manager.
Activ is our modular ISO management system developed by ISO experts and supported by our in-house legal team.
We’ve helped thousands of businesses achieve and maintain ISO certification. Discover our Activ Secure, Activ Certify and Activ Certify Plus management systems for ready-to-deploy solutions, or create your own ISO management system with Activ Select.
Discover how Activ – the UK’s leading ISO management system software – can help your organisation achieve and maintain ISO certification. Talk to our friendly ISO experts to book a demo and get a quote.