Stay compliant with Brexit legislation changes

We’ve left the EU, have you updated your register?

It’s safe to say the confusion and uncertainty around Brexit haven’t eased up since the UK left the EU in January. Now that we are in the transitional phase, legislation is beginning to change. Some has already changed, and it can be hard to keep up with new legal requirements.

What is a legal register?

A legal register is a list of legal instruments, whether legislation, regulation or otherwise, which apply uniquely to a given operation.

Diving a little deeper, a legal register is a general interpretation of the applicable legal provisions, which states what the company has to do to meet the specific requirement set out in each specific section, subsection, paragraph, and subparagraph. It lays out which legal provisions apply in which set of conditions with an interpretation of the identified legal provisions.

When does an organisation need a legal register?

In the same way that law does not mandate bookkeeping software to be used, or management systems do not require computers to be used, there are sound reasons to use both these innovations; to increase efficiency, reduce human error, and increase accuracy, which ultimately drives costs down when it comes to empowering business units/sites, and responsible individuals to know, understand, and comply with their legal obligations. Also, if accredited to or working within best-practices of ISO14001, ISO 45001, ISO 5001 or ISO 27001, an up to date legal register, and demonstration of compliance with legislation on that register, is required for compliance with those ISO standards.

In the UK, new legislation is published almost daily by the UK government on You will also need to keep track of any differences in legislation due to Brexit, as the EU is an important body of law with which UK companies must comply if they wish to trade. Moreover, all ISO standards rely on organisations complying with ‘local’ law, and where the definition of ‘local’ changes, this will need to be clarified going forward. You might be wondering how on earth you are going to keep track of all of this?

Legal Compliance Simplified

Activ Comply is ISO Legal Compliance Software that takes all the worry and guesswork away and makes your life easier! Here is how it works:

  • By using a simple questionnaire, saves you time by identifying only the legislation relevant to your business
  • Automatically populates your legal register and identifies individual legal requirements applicable to your business
  • Via a built-in auditing tool, helps you achieve and maintain compliance with ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001 and ISO 27001
  • Provides personal alerts for legislation updates, upcoming ISO legal compliance assessments and reminders for upcoming actions
  • Demonstrates compliance with a full and accurate audit trail
  • Manages the improvement process with a built-in action planning tool
  • Schedules, allocates and records the results of compliance assessments

Activ Comply enables your business to create legal registers and stay up-to-date with legislation relevant to your business. It helps you to stay compliant via the built-in auditing tool. It enables you to add supporting evidence of your ISO legal compliance and provides you with the ability to assign and monitor actions or address issues. On top of this, the system is fully supported by our in-house legal team who are there to help with any questions you may have throughout the process.

To find out more about Activ Comply, contact us at [email protected] or book an Activ Comply demo.